Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Jeep’s Safety Tips

The Winter X Games is on! And extreme as this event may be, the Jeep brand is, at the same time, sharing its safety tips for everybody.

Dr. John R. Tongue, a fellow at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, says, “More than 12 million Americans will take advantage of the winter season and spend time outdoors sledding, skiing, snowboarding or snowmobiling this year. Of those, nearly 400,000 -- or approximately one out of every 30 -- Americans will sustain a winter sports-related injury. Our goal is to make sure consumers embodying the adventurous Jeep motto, 'go anywhere, do anything,' are acting in a safe and intelligent manner whether they're on the slopes or in their own backyard.”

The doctor even further shares, “A proud sponsor of the Winter X Games since 2002, Jeep has been dedicated to safety and outdoor action sports for more than 66 years. The Jeep Safe Way to Play campaign combines Jeep's commitment to safety and adventure in an effort to ensure that the same attention to safety designed into every Jeep vehicle is carried over to sledding, skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling.”

Here are some of the driving tips as shared by automobile brand, Jeep:
  • Drive slowly. Snow on the road could make driving quite slippery so drive slower than usual. Make sure that your vehicles come with the best safety features and technologies.
  • Be aware of the ice. The sun may already be up but there are still some icy areas around.
  • Have first aid kits handy. Anywhere you go, do not forget to bring a first aid kit. You might need that.

    saradgrate said...

    Nice blog. indeed helpful for drivers out there. I have a similar blog about Jeep Wrangler used in films.

    Anonymous said...

    Great! it is very helpful..

    ella said...

    Nice blog.great information.All great points.But most people will ignore just about every one of them. Those same people will act dumbfounded when there is a problem.