Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tips From BCAA

Driving with kids – A Is For Automobile – Cars, vehicles, and autos.I came across this article from the British Columbia Automobile Association and it looks promising. These tips are for those car owners and drivers who drive around with kids or pets.

The tips have been copied in toto for better understanding by all. Enjoy!

To help drivers protect their precious cargo this summer, BCAA recommends:
- Never leave a child or pet alone in a car - even with the windows down.
- Teach children not to play in cars and keep car keys out of reach and sight.
- Keep your vehicle locked at all times - even at home in the garage or driveway. This will help prevent toddlers from crawling into a car and accidentally locking themselves inside.
- Use drive-through services when possible or leave children with a responsible adult when running errands.
- Before heading off to run errands, think about whether your pets really needs to come with you, or if they would be more comfortable and safer left at home.
- If a child or pet is locked inside a vehicle, call BCAA, and if necessary, other emergency service patrols immediately.

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